katey + ryan {engaged} aggieland, tx

It was wonderful to get to know this lovely couple!  Katey is in the same department as my sister at Texas A&M, that would be the Dept. of Recreation, parks and tourism!!  FUN 😀
We had a blast going around the campus and even got the lovely Century tree in a few, we also caught a proposal going on!  Then we headed over to the Bush Library.  A very beautiful and interesting museum.  They plan on getting married next year.  😀  Hope you guys see some you love!


tracey {senior} college station, tx

Tracey is a senior at Rudder High!  Her mom and Justin work together, if fact her mom is more of Justin’s brains, organizer, right hand (wo)man…keeps him on track!  I’m so grateful!  Tracey is such a beautiful young woman and has many talents.  She’s a dancer and hopes to go onto school to become a nurse (like her mama!)  It’s clear she will succeed at what she set’s her mind to.  I had a lovely afternoon with her and a few other girls.  😀



 couldn‘t decide which one I liked more!?!  She’s just so darn pretty! :p

william {newborn} semi valley, ca

It was so special to get to see such a good old friend, Bev.  Not to mention her budding family (yes, budding! :P)  Bev and I go way back to Italy and I got to meet Zac when they were just starting to call each other boyfriend and girlfriend.  Now they have an amazing little boy, William!  I stopped of to see them on my way to Malibu where they recommended fabulous, Duke’s Malibu, to eat!  Great rec.!  Anyways, hope you enjoy a glimps into the Clifford family!

Gentry + Thomas {engaged} Aggieland, TX

So, to say I had fun with these two is an understatement!  They seriosly made my life cake!!!  They were so “laughy” and totaly smitten.  Put those 2 together and it = lovely pics! 
We spent the morning freezing our tooshies off in downtown Bryan, TX.  As it warmed we explored more.  We danced, went a little crazy making hand hearts, and drooled over ice cream at my favorite restaurant, Must Be Heaven!  
Thomas is a farmer (genuine) in Idaho and Gentry worked with my husband doing….gosh I couldn’t imagine what went on in the OR! haha.  Enjoy 😀

Lis + Nick {wedding} San Antonio, TX


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Rachel {bridal}

Well, well, well!  Number one reason this was a super fun reason…RACHEL!  Okay also, we did her bridals after the wedding!! Brilliant.  It was so relaxing to trape around in a wedding dress and not be worried about getting anything on it!  We went to Sisterdale Dancehall and Eagle Dancer Ranch (two amazing venues owned by a friend!!)  No words are needed to tell you that Rachel is b-e-a-utiful and fun gal, you can tell by the photographs.  Her spirit is filled with joy and flows out freely.  ðŸ˜€
Rachel and Justin were married a few weeks ago and are dear friends of ours.  I’m so blessed to know BOTH!


Gabby Lopez {newborn}

What a bundle of joy!  Gabby did delightful.  She ranks up there in the top 10 for most “flexible” model.  ðŸ˜€
Here are a just a few we picked out.  I think in the top one she looks like a baby doll.  So perfect 🙂